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About FLRC

The Don S. Fredrickson Lipid Research Conference, formerly the Southeast Lipid Research Conference (SELRC), brings together scientists and trainees investigating the impact of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism on the development and treatment of cardiometabolic disease. The conference is committed to new investigators and trainees from diverse backgrounds and topics in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.  The Fredrickson Conference employed an institutional host model in 2016 at the University of Kentucky in conjunction with the University of Kentucky Cardiovascular Research Day.  The Fredrickson Conference has since been hosted by Vanderbilt University (2018), the University of Cincinnati (2019), the University of Kentucky (2021) and Duke University / University of North Carolina (2022).  Future conference are scheduled at the Medical College of Wisconsin (2025) and again at the University of Kentucky (2027).

2023 Meeting Archives

The Abstract Book for the 2023 Fredrickson Lipid Research Conference serves as the reference for all the details of the meeting in Nashville on September 6-8, 2023.

Mark Your Calendars

2025 Fredrickson Lipid Research Conference

September 3-5, 2025

Medical College of Wisconsin

and Versiti Blood Research Institute

Milwaukee, WI

Ze Zheng, PhD and Mary Sorci-Thomas, PhD



Trainee Opportunities

Trainee development is a core mission of The Fredrickson Conference. 

Trainees are prominently featured throughout the scientific program. 

These activities include:

Poster Session

Podium Presentations

Larry Rudel Award Lectures

Career Development Luncheon

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